
Doctor of Chiropractic

Dr. Zaca Soveral

Dr. Zaca Soveral has been working with the spine since 1995, where he has focused on the health of the spine through the mobility and stability of this fascinating structure that protects the Central Nervous System. He obtained his degree in sports science from Faculdade de Motricidade Humana da Universidade Técnica de Lisboa, specializing in Sports Training. He also has a specialization in Fitness (exercise and health) through Universidade Lusófonaande through the prestigious American College of Sports Medicine. He later concluded an integrated masters in chiropractic from the University of South Wales, in the United Kingdom. Dr. Zaca invests in continuous training in diverse chiropractic techniques in the United States and throughout Europe, having invested considerably in his education after concluding his university studies.

Dr. Soveral wishes to see the number of people turning to chiropractic in Portugal grow, because it defends a health paradigm based on a process of natural healing from the organism, without chemicals and avoids surgical interventions to the spine. His mission is to help each person carry out their work and leisure activities, through better function.

All his activity is based on the premise that, without chiropractic, there are no healthy communities.